Friday, March 21, 2008

March 21st PACE meeting cancelled

Hello all,
Well, as the world turns, I find myself no longer at Ecrio. So, I will be canceling the PACE planning meeting there. As I begin my quest for another opportunity, I will draw upon all of my great networking contacts in the IEEE to help transition into the next great position. I heard from the group, that we might be able to hold the next PACE meeting at Intel, I will let you all know if we can formalize that.
Will "The PACE guy"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

SCV PACE on Linked in

We have a created a group for IEEE members on Linked in,
and UPDATED the database as of Today, March 1.
If you are a member (not affiliate) in the Santa Clara Valley Section and the IEEE membership database matches your first and last name and one of the email addresses associated with your profile, you should be pre-approved.
the New IEEE membership system still has a few issues, so if that does not work, please let me know. For those waiting on approval, I'll be reviewing the remaining cases in the coming week.
Jonathan, SCV PACE treasurer.